ID# 244:
"The factors of evolution in man", course offered by Samuel Holmes at University of California, Berkeley
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerX,Box1: Harry H. Laughlin

244. Registration and Fees A fee of $5 will be charged for the course, payable after the first meeting of the class either in person or by mail at any of the Extension offices: 599 Market St., San Francisco. Telephone, Kearny 100. 301 California Hall, Berkeley. Telephone, Berkeley 7100. Oakland Chamber of Commerce. Telephone, Oakland 1915. Single Admission after first Lecture. 50[cents symbol]. Subjects to be discussed Extension Course on The Factors of Evolution in Man Dr. S.J. Holmes Public Library, San Francisco, California April 1. Problem of Human Evolution. Preliminary Survey of the Field. April 4. The Laws of Heredity. April 8. The transmission of Human Defects. Mode of Inheritance of Insanity, Feeblemindedness, and other forms of Mental Defect. April 11. The Inheritance of Mental Ability. April 15. The Hereditary Factor in Crime and Delinquency. April 18. The Decline of the Birth Rate. The Relative Birth Rates of Different Classes of the Population. April 22. Causes of the Decline in the Birth Rate. April 25. Hereditary Influence of Alcohol and Disease. April 29. Natural Selection in Man. The Various Forms of Natural Selection among Human Beings. May 2. War and the Race. An Estimate of the Different Ways in which War may Modify Human Inheritance. May 6. Sexual Seelection in Man. Its Past and Present Influence and Its Possibilities. May 9. Industrial Development and Racial Inheritance. May 13. The Elimination of Defectives. Sterilization and Segregation. May 16. Religion as a Factor in Race Development. Religious Selection Past and Present. May 20. The Present Trend of the Race. General Summary and Discussion of Various Forces Working Towards Racial Deterioration or Improvement.
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