ID# 247:
University of Idaho's response to eugenics education survey
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American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerX,Box1: Harry H. Laughlin

University of Idaho's response to eugenics education survey

advantage of the work which tends to raise the general plane of human society. 1. Heredity and Eugenics Mr. Wodsedalek Two credits; five lectures a week. A study of the main facts and theories of heredity and its mechanism, with emphasis on the phases pertaining to human welfare. The course deals with such subjects as the carriers of heritage, mendelism, inheritance of acquired characters, prenatal influences, sex-determination, sex-linked inheritance, responsibility for conduct, crime and delinquency, mental and nervous defects, race betterment thru heredity, and the right of the child to be well born. 2. Social Hygiene Mr. Wodsedalek Two credits; three lectures a week, and reading of carefully selected material. This course deals with the various phases of sex-knowledge, with especial emphasis on the phenomena of human reproduction and development, the venereal diseases, and the hygiene of human reproduction in general. Attention is also given to the matter of teaching sex problems. The work is offered in harmony with the national movement directed by the Inter-Departmental Social Hygiene Board of the United States Government. Zoology The following courses are adapted to the needs of teachers, social workers, and others who have the progress and conservation of humanity at heart. It is a fact that the human race is on the decline. This lamentable condition can be largely overcome thru an enlightened public opinion pertaining to heredity and hygiene. The initial burden devolves upon our schools and, therefore, teachers and students are urged to take 14

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