ID# 2482:
C. Davenport letter to M. Steggerda, "human genetics" replaces eugenics and "race crossing" is discouraged in a review of a research plan (5/25/1940)
Pages: (1|2|3|4)
National Museum of Health and Medicine, Otis Historical Archives, Steggerda, Box 76 Correspondence with Davenport

2482. Dr. Morris Steggerda -4- May 25, 1940. or in the inheritance of particular traits than in the study of race crossing, or of primitive peoples, then you would perhaps by justified in making your tastes plain to Dr. Bush. Then if it happened that he did not find them to fall in line with the program of the Institution it would be natural for you to look for some organization that would sponsor the kind of work that you want particularly to do. I certainly hope that you will be able to present a case that will result in Dr. Bush wishing you to continue with the Department and maintain your headquarters here. I am returning your manuscript herewith. Sincerely yours, [signed]Charles B. Davenport Chas. B. Davenport. [end]
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