ID# 274:
"Reasons for a study of hereditary blindness," report to American Medical Association
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerX,Box3: Harry H. Laughlin

274. viously existing in English. Dr. Howe will ask further criticism from him of the more recent and extended one. As this is to be published as part of a bulletin of the Eugenics Record Office, it is eminently proper that the superintendent of that office should also be one to supervise that part of the work. Second. What additional data can be obtained concerning hereditary blindness which have not yet been recorded? The committee in charge of this would consist of ....................... Superintendent of the New York Institution for the blind Van Cleef. ..................... Pennsylvania Institute for the Blind at Overbrook. ..................... Ohio " " " This committee would collect additional family histories from the records of at least the larger institutions for the blind in the United States. The outline of the proposed questionaire is as follows:
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