ID# 285:
National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness
Circa 1925
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerX,Box3: Harry H. Laughlin

285. Official Directory Hon. William H. Taft, Honorary President Honorary Vice-Presidents Mis Jane Adams Hon. Thomas P. [illegible] Miss Winifred Holt Dr. Abraham Jacobi Dr. David Starr Jordan Miss Helen Keller Hon. Theodore Roosevelt Mrs. Ella Flagg Young Hon. William Fellowes Morgan, President Board of Directors Dr. Ellice M. Alger, Professor of Ophthalmology, New York Post-Graduate Medical School, New York. Mr. George B[illegible], of Clark, Dodge and Company, Treasurer, New York. Mr. Raynal C. Collins, Chairman Committee on Safety, United States Steel Corporation; Greenwich, Conn. Dr. Colman W. Cutler, Attending Ophthalmologist, St. Luke's Hospital, New York. Mr. Carl A. De G[illegible] of [illegible] and Henderson; Member, Board of Managers, New York Institute for the Education of the Blind, New York. Mr. Cleveland H. Dodge, Trustee, Carnegie Institution, Washington; New York. Mrs. Martha Lincoln Draper, Member Board of Education, New York City. Dr. J. Clifton Edgar, Professor of Obstetrics and Clinical Midwifery in Cornell University Medical College, New York. Mr. Homer Folks, Secretary State Charities Aid Association, New York. Dr. Edward F. G[illegible], Member California State Board of Health, San Francisco. Mr. John M. Glenn, General Director Russell Sage Foundation, New York. Mr. William O. Hart, of Dinkelspiel, Hart, and Davey; Vice-President Y.M.C.A.; New Orlenas. Miss Winifred Holt, Secretary New York Association for the Blind, New York. Miss Julia C. Lathrop, Chief of Children's Bureau, Washington. Dr. F. Park Lewis, 1st Vice-President, Buffalo. Mrs. Seth Low, New York. Mr. Preston S. Millay [sp.?], General Manager and Secretary Electrical Testing Laboratories, Ex-President Illuminating Engineering Society, New York. Mr. William Fellowes Morgan, President Y.M.C.A. of New York City; Former President New Jersey Commission for the Blind; President; Short Hills, N.J. Mr. James P. Monroe, President Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, Boston. Miss M. Adelaide Nuttley, Director Department of Nursing and Health, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. Mr. H.F.J. Porter, Consulting Engineer, New York. Mrs. William B. Rice, Vice-President State Charities Aid Association, New York. Miss L[illegible] Lee Schuyler, Vice-President State Charities Aid Associationl 2nd Vice-President, New York. Mr. J.A. S[illegible], Former City Superintendent of Schools, Columbus; Member Council National Education Association; Detroit, Ohio. Mr. Edward M. Van Cleve, Principal New York Institute for the Education of the Blind, New York. Mr. John L. W[illegible], Vice-President Hermann Knapp Memorial Eye Hospital, New York. Dr. Hiram Woods, Professor of Ophthalmolgy, University of Maryland; Baltimore. Advisory Members Dr. Frank Allport, Chicago, Chairman Committing on Conservation of Vision, American Medical Association. Dr. H. Dickson Bauer, New Orleans. Dr. George E. [illegible], Philadelphia, Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. George S. Denny, Boston, Massacusetts Eye and Ear Hospital. Mrs. John P. Frank, Nashville, Chairman Tennessee Committee for the Prevention of Blindness. Dr. Harold Gifford, Omaha, Editor, Ophthalmic Record. Dr. Fredrick R. Green, Chicago, Secretary Council on Health and Public Instruction, American Medical Association. Dr. John Green, St. Louis. Dr. John McMullen. Lexington, Surgeon U.S. Health Service. Miss Linda Neville, Lexington, Secretary Kentucky Association for the Prevention of Blindness. Miss Clara D. Noyer, Washington, Director Bureau of Nursing Service, American red Cross. Miss Annette P. Rogers, [illegible] Members of Massachusetts Commission for the Blind. Mrs. Andrew S. Rowan, San Francisco, Honorary President California Society for Prevention of Blindness. Dr. Lucia Livingston Seaman, New York. Dr. Walter H. Snyder, Toledo. Dr. W. H. Wilmer, Washington. Dr. Harry Vanderbilt Wundemann, Seattle, Editor Ophthalmology. Director Edward E. Allen, Perkins Institution, Watertown, Mass. Representing American Association of Instructors of the Blind. Supervisor Robert B. Irwin[sp.?], Cleveland. Representing American Association of Workers for the Blind. Miss Lila Pickhardt, Supt. Pasadena Hospital, Pasadena, Cal. Representing National League of Nursing Education. Miss E[illegible] M. De Peltquestagny, Masillon, Ohio. Representing American Nurses Association. Miss Ella P. Crandall, New York, Representing National Organization for Public Health Nursing. National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness 130 East Twenty-Second Street New York Organized January 1 1915 For the Conservation of Vision! Purpose: To serve as a bureau of information and an agency of helpfulness to all who are interested in the movement to prevent needless blindness and to conserve vision. Enrolls as active members and supporters both physicians and laymen-all persons wishing to promote the public welfare and desirous of contributing to the sum of human happiness. Half of all Blindness can be Prevented
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