ID# 333:
Eugenics field workers meeting notes about hereditary behavior
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerVII,Box1: Field Worker Files

333. 5 natural habitat. (Cannot study habits of lions by their actions in Central Park) The important thing is the knowledge of actions of indiv. in world in which he has to live. Field workers best able to do this. The complexity of all traits makes it difficult to study individuals. Huntington's chorea at one time thought to be a trait in itself but study has shown it to be a collection of at least three factors = excited tendency, mental deterioration, lack of muscular control, [strikeout]early onset of twitchings[end strikeout] for we find in family study often indiv. with 1, 2, or 3 [strikeout]or all four[end strikeout] 6 or these traits and still there is no question [underlined]of the trouble[endunderline] Migrain is probably complex. Have cases where nausea & cases where no nausea. Mongolianism - among Mongolians have great variation but few have all the characteristics. Dr. Rosanhoff - I do not consider dates and birthplaces, etc., important, the important thing is the complete history of the conduct of the various individuals. When we have that
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