ID# 347:
"The Defectives," about marriage restriction
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,Ser1,Box35: Trait Files

347. -17- of such marriage; any person of sound mind, who shall intermarry with any such epileptic, insane or feeble minded person, with knowledge of his or her disability, or who shall advise, and or abet, cause or assist in procuring any marriage contrary to the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. This bill was introduced by Mr. Buck of Cumberland county. Chapter 134 is a supplement to the Act for the instruction and maintenance of indigent, deaf and dumb, blind and feeble-minded persons, inhabitants of this State. It was introduced by Mr. Miller of Cumberland county, and reads: "That any parent, parents, guardian or custodian who shall make application to have any person admitted to any of the institutions coming under the provisions of this Act, shall in such application waive all right to remove such inmate, either permanently or for a limited time; provided, that any inmate may be discharged upon request of the Governor or person administering the government of this State, on the recommendation of the principal, superintendent or person at the head of such institution may grant a leave of absence to any inmate for a limited time." Both of those laws are important and to the credit of the State. - Training School. That it was the intent of the Twenty-ninth Legislature to place the supervision of the deaf-blind children, as well as the money appropriated for their care and maintenance, under the direction of Dr. Worsham is perfectly evident. This was done because the law authorizing "the superintendent of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum*** to make provisions as he may deem necessary for the maintenance, care and education of all children in the State who are deaf, dumb and blind," has been set aside and applicant after applicant denied the care and training to which they were justly entitled because of their mental or physical condition. The high standard of mental ability required for entrance to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum precludes the deaf-blind before receiving training, mentally and physically. The Attorney General has ruled that Sections 1 and 2 have been left unchanged. Section 2 reads: "That application for maintenance, care and education of all such children shall be made by parents and guardians of such children to the superintendent of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum***; provided such children shall be placed in a reputable school established for the purpose herein mentioned." Section 2 does not require deaf-blind children to be entered into the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, but any reputable school. At present as in the past three blind-deaf children are being cared for by the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at $1000 per capita, and Dr. Worsham is helpless to aid those not so situated, as he can control the funds only, and has no say even in how much shall be expended on any one child. I make mention of this fact to call the attention of the new superintendent and Legislature to the lamentable condition of the indigent deaf-blind of our State. Judge Cravens is a just man,
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