ID# 425:
Mrs. E.H. Harriman letter to Charles Davenport about Eugenics Record Office (10/20/1910)
Pages: (1|2)
American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27.,Harriman, Mrs. E.H.

425. [NOTE image 425 is comprised of elements from images 424 and 425] Oct 20th 1910 Arden, New York Dear Dr. Davenport, Your letters have been most interesting & I am glad you feel encouraged and generally are feeling that the Record Office has [illegible] the places you wished for it Shane promised Mrs. Peabody [illegible] new donors to see her in New York in November & then will be able to go over the forms with you and [illegible] Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin of the [illegible] have expanded their [illegible] - [illegible] of ghosts are [illegible] with heredity. I expect to see Pres. & Mrs. Jordan next week if they are with in New York. Tomorrow I go to Groton to spend Sunday with my son Roland You see my life is very full and I try to make it useful & count upon your help - With best wishes Most sincerely Mary H. Harriman
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