ID# 432:
Alexander Graham Bell letter to Charles Davenport about Eugenics Record Office
Pages: (1|2|3|4)
American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27.,Harriman, Mrs. E.H.

432. American Breeders' Association David Starr Jordan, Chairman C. B. Davenport, Secretary Eugenics Record Office H.H. Laughlin, Superintendent Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N. Y. 2. that produce the defective and undesirable classes of the community. The study of the methods of inheritance of particulat traits. The study of the consequences of close marriage. The study of miscegenation in the United States. The study of the new blood introduced into America by immigration, and its effect in modifying and improving the people of the United States. 2. To publish the results of these researches. 3. To provide a fireproof building and library for the preservation of Eugenical records. 4. To provide an administrative office, with a Director and staff of assistants to carry on Eugenical work. -----oO&Oo----- Of course the work of the Eugenics Record Office will depend very largely on the financial means at its disposal. I understand that both Mrs. Harriman and Mr. John D. Rockefeller are contributing generously toward its support; but it might be well, before mapping out too definite a plan of procedure, to ascertain whether there is any prospect of the Institution being placed upon a permanent foundation by endowment. To my mind one of the first necessities of a permanent foundation will be, not
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