ID# 444:
Charles Davenport letter to T.H. Morgan about American Breeders' Association symposium
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American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27.,T. H. Morgan #2

Charles Davenport letter to T.H. Morgan about American Breeders' Association symposium

October 2, 1909. Professor T. H. Morgan, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. My dear Morgan;- The committee on eugenics of the American Breeders' Association proposes to meet at Boston Convocation Week. It is proposed to have a symposium of two or three papers on the "Possibilities of Eugenics as Applied to the Human Species". Is the program of Naturalists so full that it will not be feasible to give the symposium at the Naturalists meeting? You see it has most to do with the questions of heredity and evolution. Dr. Hrdlicka of the National Museum promises to prepare an initial discussion of this subject. Sincerely yours,

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