ID# 470:
C. Davenport response to P. T. Walden about race mixing
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerI,Box 61: Trait Files

470. A:974x6-51 2. material we are, to avid delay, writing our opinion in the case you present. In case the young woman should become married we should like to know the name of her husband and date of marriage and where they propose to live. The conclusion about the possible color of the children of the anonymous propositus A B, married to a white person, would depend upon the genetical constitution of the person A B. If the male chromosomes were presumably all white, half of her offspring with a white man, would be white. The doubt, of course, is in regard to the genetic constitution of A B's mother. She might presumably be homozygous for dark negro color and I can not tell from your description just what her genetic constitution may be. On the other hand, she may be a "sambo" in which case some of her ova might carry two factors for brown skin and others only one factor. The union of the one factor eggs with the white sperm would result in a one factor chromosome in the propositus so that her germ cells would be half without any factor at all for brown skin color and half with one factor. This is, I gather, without seeing the propositus, the situation. Under these circumstances, with a marriage to a white person, the other half of the children would not be markedly darker than the mother herself. So the conclusion is that the most probably result would be that if A B marries a white man half of the children would be white and half would be of a quadroon color. The white children might, however, have more or less closely curled hair and some of them might have dark brown hair. The probability that any of the children would be of a mulatto
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