ID# 508:
H. Laughlin letter to C. Davenport about the financial difficulties of the "Eugenical News"
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27,Ser 2,CSH-ERO

508. ent suggestions concerning the publication of the "News." It is clear however that neither Campbell or Osborn favor now entering into any kind of a contract which calls for any underwriting by the Association. The only thing that Osborn agreed to was that we publish the "Eugenical News" 6 times a year and change the name, possibly to the "Journal of Eugenics" and start out with our present resources for paying printers bills. If this were done it would mean that the Secretary's office would have to undertake a drive for subscriptions to the "Eugenical News." I believe that by working very hard for a few months we could, by the drive method, sell 500 new subscriptions to the "Eugenical News" but it would be a big job and would require considerable time on my part, which I feel that I can ill afford from research studies. In Osborn's latest financial statement he claims that there is $396.18 loaned from his Year Book Fund to the general expense fund. I can't see it but it means that if I turn over the money in hand now at the Secretary's office [strikeout]it will be,[end strikeout] unless we budget things from January 1st, this would be swept into the Year Book Fund rather than made available for the "News." I feel that it is important for eugenical research to keep together, as a solvent organization, the membership of the Eugenics Research Association. But even if the financial difficulties can be met it means increased editorial and secretarial work of the Association. I had hoped that about this time instead of these duties piling up, more facilities would be provided and thus we would have more time for our own researches. I presume that Dr. Campbell will call a meeting of the Board in the near future though he has not yet indicated any definite intention of doing so. Maybe he is waiting for suggestions from the Secretary's office. Very sincerely,
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