ID# 509:
H. Laughlin letter to C. Davenport about the financial difficulties of the "Eugenical News"
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27,Ser 2,CSH-ERO

509. January 23, 1932. Memorandum for Dr. Lauglin;- In regard to financial policy of the E.H.A. Referring to the numbers in your memorandum of January 21st I approve your plan 1 - clearing the treasury. Also #'s 2,3,4 and 5 are approved. I think it is very important that no money be paid out of the treasury except as voted specifically by the Board, either in the individual appropriation or in the budget for the year. 6. I think that it is fair to incur anticipated income from endowment; from any pledges that have been actually made, even when cash has not yet been received, provided the persons pledging are clearly able to redeem their pledges. 7. I think that the budget should be made up for the "Eugenical News" Including the salary of the secretary and bibliographer; that the salary of the bibliographer, as at present provided by the Institution, should be credited to the Institution; that the work of the secretary with the assistant secretary of the Association should be segregated into two parts. 1: editorial work on the "News" and the other work upon the records of the Association, including correspondence, sending out notices, dues, etc. The first part of the assistant secretary's work to be paid for by the "Eugenical News". The second part to be a charge on the Association. Contributions to meet the secretarial work on the "News" to be donated until such time as the "News" is self supporting; the secretarial work for the Association to be paid out of funds of the Association for which a certain proportion of the membership dues should be retained. The number of pages of the "Eugenical News" to be printed to depend upon the income from subscriptions or that fraction of the membership dues which is available for printing the "News". 8. I approve of printing the "News" six times a year with the understanding that the total number of pages will not exceed 120 without the bibliography or what other number is consonant with the funds available. We should seek to improve the format and to decrease the cost of publishing per page. I do not approve of the change from "Eugenical News" to "Journal of Eugenics" until such time as we are able to publish a scientific archive. The name "journal" has come largely to connote such scientific archive as, for example, "Journal of Experimental Zoology", "Journal of General Physiology" and so on. A journal consisting of about twenty pages a month matters of passing interest or in the nature of a memorandum is hardly my idea of a journal. 9. I approve of a drive to increase subscription sales but prefer to have this drive done by the publisher, such as C. C. Thomas. Naturally if the subscription price increases there will be less need for personal subscriptions and, in time, it will be possible to increase the quality of the "News" and perhaps transform it into an archive. D/G
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