ID# 760:
American Eugenics Party pamphlet detailing their views
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6)
American Philosophical Society, AES, 57506: Am3

760. Non-Nordic caucasians became fearful of Hitler (Nordicism produced inter-caucasian strife). The equalitarians became inspired by the produced inter-caucasian strife emanating from Nordicism and coined the motto "Socialism first, then Communism," (in keeping with evolutionary thought) to strengthen their position (1940). The socialists joined forces with the new equalitarian-leaning capitalism (later becoming fully leftist capitalism) to defeat the fascists and nazis (1945). The "Eugenic Spark" had finished its first ("I" on the Chart) effect with the shift from Russian Communism to Socialism, and its resultant repercussions in the world. A second effect ("II" on the Chart) is the shift from Russian Socialism to Leftist Capitalism (now taking place). This shift encourages the various racist and Eugenicist leaders throughout the world and the rise of New Race Groups (the new race groups would rise whenever racial integrity is endangered but with the fall or weakening of equalitarian philosophy they are strengthened moreso). The Soviet Union is now in a state of confusion. There are those who are (1) heading toward leftist capitalism; they are opposed by those (2) attempting to continue toward communist utopia; others want to (3) maintain socialism longer (for more evolutionary effect); while others (4) suggest varying equalitarian excuses (poor soil - nature at fault and a need for more drastic measures to mold "plastic" hereditary traits, etc.). This is referred to as the "Confusion Square" on the Chart. The third effect ("III" on the Chart) of the "Eugenic Spark" is the anticipated future shift of Russia from leftist capitalism to Eugenics. We would expect that they will avoid the Stock Abusion of Nordicists because the country is composed of many stocks and because religion (free will Nordicism) is disparaged. It is a matter of speculation if Russia or another country (e.g. United States) will be the first to accept Eugenics as the foundation of society. The American Eugenics Party is a continuation of the Galton-Mendel system of thought. The Eugenic Organizations, as in the case of non-eugenic organizations, have attracted individuals not favorably inclined toward the objectives. The dysgenic elements (infiltrators, the incompetent, etc.) became powerful during the developmental period and later during the strong, leftist-dominated era and were able to split the Eugenic Movement on the following issues: (1) Those who believe in Direct Eugenics (through laws and education) versus those who believe in Indirect "Eugenics" (through education only); (2) Those who wish to encourage superior parents to have more offspring (so-called "positive eugenicist") versus those who wish to reduce the number of offspring from defective parents (so-called "negative eugenicists") versus those who wish to encourage the superior and discourage the inferior parents as to number of offspring; (3) And, those who advocate race and stock abusion versus those who oppose abusion; lately, these two are being opposed by race mixing "eugenicists" (wishing to produce "eugenic mongrels" - as professed, for example, by some leaders of the discredited American Eugenics Society). The American Eugenics Party believes in Direct Eugenics; offspring control of inferior and superior parents; and advocates race and stock purity eugenics. Because the word "eugenicist" is being misapplied, it is essential to attach descriptive adjectives to the word in order to differentiate the true or scientific eugenicist from the false or pseudo-scientific "eugenicist". The following continuum compares the various "Types of Eugenicists:" NEGATIVE PLUS FALSE "EUGENICISTS" (pseudo-scientific) 1. Race Mixing "Eugenicists" ("eugenic mongrel" - class race differences as "environmental" and/or insignificant) 2. Indirect "Eugenics" 3. Encourage Superior Parent POSITIVE OR TRUE EUGENICISTS (scientific) 1. Race and Stock Purity Eugenicists (stock mixing and stock supremacy "eugenicists" are less scientific) 2. Direct True Eugenics 3. Encourage Superior Parent and discourage Inferior parent NEGATIVE MINUS FALSE "EUGENICISTS" (pseudo-scientific) 1. Stock Abusion "Eugenicists" (based on speculations of stock "mixture" and false evaluations of appearance and contributions) 2. Direct False "Eugenics" 3. Superior and Inferior Parent wrongly designated and controlled All three patterns for society (Race Mixing, Stock Abusion, and Eugenics) have factions but they are similar enough to unite their factions on common, general objectives. The Race Mixers have become dominant today. In order to oppose them, the Eugenicists are willing to unite with the Stock Abusers to offset the power of the Race Mixers. Eugenicists and Stock Abusers could unite on common principles but making their differences clear. The purpose in such a unity is not to entrench Stock Abusers but to weaken the ruling Race Mixers. If the Stock Abusers were in power, the Eugenicists would unite with the Race Mixers so as to weaken the Stock Abusers. Eugenicists disapprove of both Race Mixing and Stock Abusion but will use one to offset the other during an emergency. The American Eugenics Party believes that the Stock Abusing Race Groups must not be allowed to take the lead as they have in the past (Nordicist type under Hitler). The Stock Abusers (promoting false eugenics) have failed along with the Race Mixers. Now it is time for True Eugenics. The American Eugenics Party must take the lead if a Eugenic Society is to become a reality.
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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