ID# 770:
Sermon #2: Eugenics, AES Sermon Contest 1926, #2
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10)
American Philosophical Society, AES, 57506: Am3

770. [page number] 3. [end page number] never been known in all history to produce a single normal child. Nature visits the sin of unwise and foolish marriages, not only upon the third and fourth generations but upon the fiftieth and one hundredth generations. Almost every prison in the civilized world bears record to the direct injury inflicted on a community by the degenerate class. Sydney, Australia has the largest slums in the world because Sydney was largely peopled by criminals and lower stocks deported from England one hundred and fifty years ago. In California it costs over two hundred dollars per annum to care for each feeble-minded ward of the state. Young men drafted into the army who came from Colorado, Arizona and California, to which regions tubercular families had been migrating for over a generation, showed the highest tuberculosis rate of any young men in the country. Blood tells. It is a fine thing to have a family tree if it isnt too shady. More than three-fourths of the elements which build up a human soul are in its nature, not in its nurture. The formative factor of greatest importance in the making of human life and character is heredity. Christ was born in a stable but his ancestors were kings. We close the doors of our country against undesirable immigrants but we do little or nothing with regard to the thousands of undesirable children born within our borders. Here are two children in the public schools. The public money is trying to educate them but all efforts of education are being defeated by poor health, bad eye-sight and irregular attendance. Upon medical examination the boy is found to be color-blind and otherwise defective in vision; the girl has a chronic sore on one of her lower limbs. Both children have enlarged glands, defective skeletal development and weak lungs. Pushing the problem farther back it is found that the father died of syphilis and that
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