ID# 777:
Sermon #2: Eugenics, AES Sermon Contest 1926, #2
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10)
American Philosophical Society, AES, 57506: Am3

777. [page number] 10. [end page number] We cannot choose our parents but we can choose our partners. Courtship has been described as a man pursuing a woman until she catches him. But what determined one particular man to pursue one particular woman and what led her to decide to catch him is a thing that has been immensely influenced by our early education and religious training. Our ideals develop through culture. Boys and girls ought to be trained for parenthood. The ideal of every sane healthy boy or girl ought to be, to be the father or mother of strong healthy children who will bless the world in coming days. When young people see clearly that marriage into strong healthy stock means sound healthy children and that marriage into bad stock means defective children, it is bound to give to marriage a sense of dignity, responsibility and beauty. The true builders of nations are the men and women who live out their lives primarily as good parents. Boys and girls, when you are seeking a mate look for beauty of body and of character, for strength of body and of mind, look for one with high ideals and strong convictions and thus you will be helping to strengthen the race and build up the kingdom of God on earth. We do not know what immediate influence you may have on your children but we do know that a good, strong, clean, wholesome Christian life now will tell on generations to come. Keep your record clean.
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