ID# 827:
"Summary of the round table conference held at the New York Academy of Medicine," about the eugenical implications on medical work
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6)
American Philosophical Society, AES, 57506: Am3

&quote;Summary of the round table conference held at the New York Academy of Medicine,&quote; about the eugenical implications on medical work

[page number] -6- [end page number] which would include knowledge of all these major social problems. Contraception should be in the hands of doctors who should be careful not to allow its use at the wrong time and in families who should be having children. Doctors must take part with eugenists in their efforts to improve the distribution of births. In their own field of obstetrics they must try always to do their part in preserving the fertility of women. In every field there should be a liaison with the eugenics group, either through a committee or through personal contacts. As the meeting closed, Dr. Myerson said that he would like to reply to the remarks of Dr. Stoddard. There is no situation in human life comparable to animal breeding for specific types. All that medicine knows is that certain groups of disease are either wholly or partly hereditary, and that therefore a carefully selective sterilization is desirable. For this reason there should be a close liaison with the eugenics group. Intelligent people today recognize that eugenics and euthenics are not contrasting but cooperating efforts. Probably the cultural deterioration due to present birth rates which favor the increase of less educated groups is a temporary phenomenon, and is due to the fact that new techniques and social advantages filter into social structure from above downward. The matter of permanent importance is the trend in hereditary qualities. The difficulties of a eugenics program are immense, but in the new attitude of the present Eugenics Society there is every reason for the closest cooperation. Dr. Emerson closed the meeting with a brief statement. Birth control has been over-used. Physicians owe the laity an understanding of the physical, social, and psychological hazards of extreme contraceptive practice. The purpose of the present meeting has been served by this interchange of difficulties, ideas, and needs. The Public Health Committee of the New York Academy of Medicine should further explore this field.

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