ID# 869:
"Heredity of albinism, by C.B. Davenport"
Pages: (1|2|3|4)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,Ser I,box 26

869. [photo] Mrs. Robert Roy (Fig. 15) They were all based on the statement of Robert Roy, of New York City, whom I have always found trustworthy. These families were recorded as the Luc. family, two children, both albinos - of albinic parents; the Pri family, one albinic child of two albinic parents; and the R. family, an albino child of two albinic parents. The surname of this last family which we did not then feel at liberty to divulge, but which we are now permitted to publish, is Roy. Robert Roy (Fig. 14) of New York, now about fifty-five years of age, was one of a fraternity of ten, all but himself pigmented - one with jet black hair. Their father had very dark brown hair and their mother sandy hair. Robert Roy married, about 1880, a Miss 222
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