103 objects illustrate this topic:

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"Abstract of the report on immigration and insanity," by The Immigration Commission (#381)
"A century of change in Hawaii's population," about immigration (#932)
Aerial view of Ellis Island (#955)
Aerial view of lower Manhattan and Ellis Island (#956)
A. Johnson letter to H. Laughlin about presenting prison data before Committee on Immigration (#1042)
"Alien ancestry of inventors is studied by U.S." (#1208)
"America for Americans: Radio address of Hon. Martin Dies of Texas," May 6, 1935, about deportation, multiple pages (#1043)
American Breeders Association 8th Annual Meeting resolution to form permanent committee on immigration (with hand-written draft), multiple pages (#409)
"America the melting pot" (#967)
"Analysis of America's Modern Melting Pot," Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, multiple pages (#1123)
"An appeal to friends of Scandinavian immigration", multiple pages (#382)