Sterilization Laws
76 objects illustrate this topic:

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"A Quarter of a Century's Experience in Sterilization of Mental Defectives in California," by F.O. Butler, Amer. Journ. Mental Deficiency (vol 49:4), multiple pages (#1384)
A. Strode letter to A. Estabrook, plans for making "preliminary investigations" prior to testifying at the Carrie Buck trial (1/6/1924) (#1338)
A. Strode letter to H. Laughlin, requesting a deposition on hereditary feeblmindedness for the trial of Carrie Buck in Amherst, Virginia (9/30/1924), multiple pages (#1336)
Aubrey Strode, the lawyer who wrote the Virginia sterilization law and who took Buck vs. Bell to the U.S. Supreme Court (#2281)
Buck vs. Bell Supreme Court Decision, multiple pages (#260)
Carrie and Emma Buck at the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded, taken by A.H. Estabrook the day before the Buck v. Bell trial in Virginia (#1287)
Carrie Buck, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1) (#2299)
Carrie Buck's photograph of her wedding to Mr. Eagle, to whom she remained married until his death (#2283)
Census of "Inmates of institutions of the United States" (#977)
C. M. Goethe letter about French and German eugenics laws (#1038)
"Cumulative record of operations for eugenical sterilization in the United States from 1907-1935" (#952)