Sterilization Laws
76 objects illustrate this topic:

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"Cumulative record of operations for eugenical sterilization in the United States from 1907-1935" (#952)
"Date on which each State inaugurated its eugenical sterilization law" (#959)
Death certificate of Carrie Buck's daughter, Vivian, who died of "entero colitis" at age 8 (#2282)
Dr. Albert Priddy, the first superintendent of the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and the Feebleminded, who brought the case against Carrie Buck (#2280)
"Effects of Eugenic Sterilization as Practiced in California," Human Betterment Foundation (#1761)
E.S. Gosney, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1) (#2296)
E.S. Gosney (Human Betterment Foundation) letter to L.I. Dublin (Metropolitan Life Insurance Company), about pending NY sterilization bill (5/8/1934) (#1752)
"Eugenical sterilization," 3rd International Eugenics Conference (#1073)
"Eugenical sterilization legislation," in the United States (#589)
Eugenics and sex harmony: The sexes, their relations and problems, by H.H. Rubin (#657)
Eugenics and sex harmony: The sexes, their relations and problems, by H.H. Rubin (#656)