ID# 2102:
W. Bateson letter to F. Galton, asking him to read Mendel's "remarkable investigations" and confirming work by Tschermak and de Vries(8/9/1900)
Pages: (1|2)
University College London, FG, 198

W. Bateson letter to F. Galton, asking him to read Mendel's 
&quote;remarkable investigations&quote; and confirming work by Tschermak and de Vries(8/9/1900)

[left side] if the work is all reliable, carries things on a long way. I don't like de Vries' introduction of squares of Daw[?] R which is much misleading, but that is a trifling point as [illegible]. Yours truly, W. Bateson [stamped]University College London Galton Papers[end stamp] [right side]Bateson 9 Aug 1900 Telegrams: Trumpington. Merton House, Grantchester. Cambridge. [stamped]University College Galton Papers 198] Dear Mr. Galton, de Vries no doubt sends for his papers and so you will have seen his new work on the splitting up of the characters of hybrids [underscore]Comptes Rendus[end underscore], 26 Mar. 1900 more fully given in [end]

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