ID# 2323:
Mico College anthropometric case 1: "Army Group Examination Alpha," conducted by Morris Steggerda for Race Crossing in Jamaica
Pages: (1|2|3|4|6|7|8)
National Museum of Health and Medicine, Otis Historical Archives, Steggerda, Box 5 Folder 42, 972449

Mico College anthropometric case 1: &quote;Army Group Examination Alpha,&quote; conducted by Morris Steggerda for <i>Race Crossing in Jamaica</i>

[marginalia] 8 8[end marginalia] Test 3 This is a test of common sense. Below are sixteen questions. Three answers are given to each question. You are to look at the answers carefully; then make a cross in the square before the best answer to each question, as in the sample: SAMPLE [three-line deep bracket] Why do we use stoves? Because [box] they look well [box with 'x'] they keep us warm [box] they are black Here the second answer is the best one and is marked with a cross. Begin with No. 1 and keep on until time is called. [page width score; questions' text is divided into two columns] 1 It is wiser to put some money aside and not spend it all, so that you may [box with 'x'] prepare for old age or sickness [box] collect all the different kinds of money [box] gamble when you wish 2 Shoes are made of leather, because [box] it is tanned [box with an 'x'] it is tough, pliable and warm [box] it can be blackened 3 Why do soldiers wear wrist watches rather than pocket watches? Because [box] they keep better time [box] they are harder to break [box with an 'x'] they are handier 4 The main reason stone is used for building purposes is because [box] it makes a good appearance [box with an 'x'] it is strong and lasting [box] it is heavy 5 Why is beef better food than cabbage? Because [box] it tastes better [box with an 'x'] it is more nourishing [box] it is harder to obtain 6 If some one does you a favor, what should you do? [box] try to forget it [box] steal for him if he asks you to [box with an 'x'] return the favor 7 If you do not get a letter from home, which you know was written, it may be because [box with an 'x'] it was lost in the mails [box] you forgot to tell your people to write [box] the postal service has been discontinued 8 The main thing farmers do is to [box] supply luxuries [box] make work for the unemployed [box with an 'x'] feed the nation [hand icon] Go to No. 9 above 9 If a man who can't swim should fall into a river, he should [box] yell for help and try to scramble out [box] dive to the bottom and crawl out [box] lie on his back and float 10 Glass insulators are used to fasten telegraph wires because [box] the glass keeps the pole from being burned [box] the glass keeps the current from escaping [box] the glass is cheap and attractive 11 If your load of coal gets stuck in the mud, what should you do? [box] leave it there [box] get more horses or men to pull it out [box] throw off the load 12 Why are criminals locked up? [box] to protect society [box] to get even with them [box] to make them work 13 Why should a married man have his life insured? Because [box] death may come at any time [box] insurance companies are usually honest [box] his family will not then suffer if he dies 14 In Leap Year February has 29 days because [box] February is a short month [box] some people are born on February 29th [box] otherwise the calendar would not come out right 15 If you are held up and robbed in a strange city, you should [box] apply to the police for help [box] ask the first man you meet for money to get home [box] borrow some money at a bank 16 Why should we have Congressmen? Because [box] the people must be ruled [box] it insures truly representative government [box] the people are too many to meet and make their laws [end]

Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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