ID# 2324:
Mico College anthropometric case 1: "Army Group Examination Alpha," conducted by Morris Steggerda for Race Crossing in Jamaica
Pages: (1|2|3|4|6|7|8)
National Museum of Health and Medicine, Otis Historical Archives, Steggerda, Box 5 Folder 42, 972449

2324. [marginalia]15 14[end marginalia] Test 4 If the two words of a pair mean the same or nearly the same, draw a line under [italics]same[end italics]. If they mean the opposite, or nearly the opposite, draw a line under [italics]opposite[end italics]. If you cannot be sure, guess. The two samples are already marked as they should be. [page width score] Samples[two line deep bracket] good - bad . . . same ---[underscore]opposite[end underscore] little - small . . . [underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 1 no - yes . . .same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 1c 2 day - night . . .same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 2c 3 go - leave . . . [underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 3c 4 begin - commence . . . [underscore]same --- opposite 4c 5 bitter - sweet . . . same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 5c 6 assume - suppose . . . [underscore]same[end underscore] --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 6- 7 command - obey . . .[underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 7 [check mark] 8 tease - plague . . . [underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 8c 9 diligent - industrious . . . [underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 9c 10 corrupt - honest . . . same ---[underscore]opposite[end underscore] 10c 11 toward - from . . . same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 11c 12 masculine - feminine . . .same ---[underscore]opposite[end underscore] 12c 13 complex - simple . . . same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 13c 14 sacred - hallowed . . .[underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 14c 15 often - seldom . . .same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 15c 16 ancient - modern . . . same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 16c 17 enormous - gigantic . . .[underscore]same[end underscore] ---opposite 17c 18 confer - grant . . . [underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 18c 19 acquire - lose . . . same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 19c 20 compute - calculate . . . [underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 20c 21 defile - purify . . . same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 21c 22 apprehensive - fearful . . . same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 22[check mark] 23 sterile - fertile . . . [underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 23[check mark] 24 chasm - abyss . . .same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 24 [check mark] 25 somber - gloomy . . . same --- [underscore]opposite[end underscore] 25[check mark] 26 vestige - trace . . .[underscore]same[end underscore] --- opposite 26c 27 vilify - praise . . . same --- opposite 27 28 finite - limited . . . same --- opposite 28 29 contradict - corroborate . . . same --- opposite 29 30 immune - susceptible . . . same --- opposite 30 31 credit - debit . . . same --- opposite 31 32 assiduous - diligent . . . same --- opposite 32 33 transient - permanent ... same --- opposite 33 34 palliate - mitigate . . . same --- opposite 34 35 execrate - revile . . . same --- opposite 35 36 extinct - extant . . . same --- opposite 36 37 pertinent - relevant . . . same --- opposite 37 38 synchronous - simultaneous . . . same --- opposite 38 39 supercilious - disdainful . . . same --- opposite 39 40 abstruse - recondite . . . same --- opposite 40 [end]
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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