ID# 312:
Lucien Howe letter to Harry Laughlin, about AMA study on hereditary blindness
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerX,Box3: Harry H. Laughlin

312. Fourth. What would you think of a plan of procedure about as follows; (A) Prepare with care a questionnaire[sic] which would be sent to superintendents of schools and similar institutions of the blind, in order to obtain all possible data containing the number and cost of individuals afflicted with hereditary blindness. (B) [crossed out]The[end crossed out] second questionnaire[sic] would go to superintendents of colonies or homes to which defectives of any kind are sent. (C ) Prepare in the same manner a third questionnaire[sic] which would go to certain surgeons in order to obtain from them data concerning forms of operation for sterilization, their dangers and effects. These data would perhaps suggest other lines of inquiry. At least they would form the basis for opinions which could be formulated in a report to be made to the Section which has appointed us. This is an imperfect outline, and I would be thankful for suggestions or improvements which could undoubtedly be made. The paper which I presented at the Section on "The Relation of Hereditary Defects of the Eye to Modern Genetics and Eugenics" showed perhaps that a beginning had been made in studying this question - but not much more. They will send me a few reprints before long, and I will take the liberty of forwarding one to you. The most important part of that paper perhaps was the presentation of the bibliography of the subject. That card catalogue contains now over seven hundred titles. But as you know there are bibliographies and bibliographies. With this one, I prefer to take time to make sure that it will not be done over again very soon. My secretary or someone will probably work at it during most of August. From what Dr. Daveport has written, I infer that a number of my imperfect charts have now been redrawn, ready for inspection. If the
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