ID# 725:
"Project of panamerican code on eugenics and homiculture," proposed by the Cuban delegation
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,Ser I,Box65

725. SECTION II ON THE BIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF INDIVIDUALS Art. 4 - All individuals are hereby obliged, when necessary, to contribute and promote the investigation of his biological standing, either somatic or germinal. Same rule shall be applied to the Nation, etc., to which the individual belongs. Art. 5. - The germinal conditions of individuals, after careful research and investigation, shall be classified according to the accepted technical knowledge for the unity of characters, as follows: A).- Good; B).-Suspicious or doubtful; C).- Bad. Individuals shall be somatically classified in accordance with their liberty of action, as Responsibles. Non-responsibles. Responsibles are: (It shall be study [sic] by the Central Office and submitted to the approval of the Pan American Union). Non-responsibles are: (Same). The conditions hereafter described, are germinally good: (Same). The conditions hereafter described, are germinally suspicious: (Same). The conditions hereafter described, are terminally [sic] bad: (Same). Individuals, etc., as soon as somatically and germinally classified, shall comply with all indications regarding his case. Art. 6. - Individuals somatically responsibles bearing good germinal conditions, shall conduct themselves their sexual and procreative lives, caring for the condition of their conjugal partner. Art. 7. - Individuals bearing bad or suspicious germinal conditions, if somatically responsibles, shall be granted permission to conduct their sexual lives under the advices and indications of Eugenics and Homiculture authorities. Art. 8. - Individuals bearing bad or suspicious germinal conditions, if somatically non-responsibles, shall be isolated or segregated, or subjected to sterelization. Art. 9. - Infractors of the foregoing articles shall be liable to be declared somatically non-responsibles or taken out of the classified group. SECTION III MIGRATION Art. 10. - Individuals grouped as somatically responsibles and germinally good, shall be entitled, from the biological standpoint, to free migration. Art. 11. - Every nation possesses the right to practice a complete biological research (somatic and germinal) of individuals declaring their intentions to reside within its territory; or may prohibit the residence [page number] 12 [end page number]
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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