ID# 809:
Sermon #56: Religion and Eugenics AES Sermon Contest 1927, #6
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11)
American Philosophical Society, AES, 57506: Am3

809. [page heading] Eugenics ---page #9 [end page heading] It is likewise the duty and the privilege of the School to provide courses in Eugenic education that will acquaint the youth more fully with the scientific phases of life. To become informed concerning the inevitable laws of heredity, to learn that defective germ plasm cannot be overcome by crossing it with life streams that are noble and worthy, to know something of the laws of dominants and recessives and of reversion to type, to understand that defective heredity will assert itself in every environment, however favorable, is to prepare the youth to make wise and intelligent choice of life mates of whom they may hope to be worthy and will inspire the desire that the mingling of their respective blood streams will produce a generation more illustrious than their worthy forbears. It is likewise the duty of the Church to make its contribution to the realization of our Eugenic ideals. The church should be positive and pronounced in its teachings concerning the home. The home is the fundamental social unit. As goes the home, so goes the Church, the State, and so goes civilization. The Church should teach that marriage is not a matter of social convenience, but that it is the most sacred and hallowed of all earthly relationships, a relationship whose highest and holiest function is the reproduction of the race, a race well born and better born than those of past generations. Each well organized Church should provide in its program of Religious Education, courses on parenthood and home building, knowing that better homes will mean better children and that better children will mean a better civilization.
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