ID# 1950:
Isaac Costa letter to Karl Pearson, about race mixing in Jamaica with reference to mulatto "just under your nose" (10/3/1908)
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
University College London, KP, 382

1950. [handwritten letter continued] 3. the white or black races. I have never seen a single case of reversion to either [illegible] mulatto or negro. 4) "Mulatto + mulatto. Is this usually a mulatto in colour? Our theorists say 25% are pure white skins, 25% pure black skins, & only 50% mulattos" K.P. This statement of those whom you call the "theorists," is the most ridiculously incorrect of the lot; indeed it would be very comic to make this statement in public before persons who knew. There are now other slight variations from the usual mulatto-brown or mulatto-yellow, but you may be quite certain that no pure black skins or pure white skins come from mulatto + mulatto. You can state this dogmatically. I trust I have made myself more or less plain. I have to write guardedly in one respect, as I have no experience of hybrid races except in Jamaica, but we have plenty of experience of them here. I came here as an infant of 5 months old, & except for 5 1/2 years spent in London struggling for my M.B. have lived here all my life. I mix with all sorts and combinations of colours, have a large but poor practice, & come into contact with them every day. What I have said is fairly correct. "Sports & throw-backs" do occur, but are really rare; the milder form, i.e. the form wh. Is [underscore]barely[end underscore] evident, just [underscore]barely[end underscore] evident in truth[?], is [end]
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