ID# 483:
"Notes on the history of the Eugenics Record Office"
Circa 1940
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11)
American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27.,Notes on History

&quote;Notes on the history of the Eugenics Record Office&quote;

II. Supplies and equipment used by the Eugenics Record Office, but not owned by the Carnegie Institution and therefore not included in the present previously listed (p. 6) inventory. Estimated values as of December 31, 1939 1. Records and reports of First, Second, and Third International Congresses of Eugenics...$564.00 2. Eugenics Research Association (now Association for Research in Human Heredity) supplies and publications...1,000.00 3. Records and publications of Galton society...500.00 4. Motion picture camera, projector and films owned by Pioneer Fund, Inc...632.00 5. Salmon Laboratory for research in genetics of the Thoroughbred horse. Equipment and researches, Approximate cost...75,000.00 Present representation: a. Books, Salmon Library, 1,027 volumes. $10,270.00 b. Mathematical models for studies on measure and inheritance of racing capacity...1,000.00 c. Exhibit on horse genetics...1,000.00 d. Filing cases and bookcases... 1,200.00 e. Typewriters and calculating machines...2,400.00 f. Supplies...500.00 g. Laboratory equipment...1,200.00 h. Station wagon...100.00 i. Analysis-records of 15,560 individual Thoroughbreds, Balance, or ...67,600.00 III. The relation of the Eugenics Record Office to the Department of Genetics (since 1921) and to the Division of Animal Biology (since 1934) within the Carnegie Institution of Washington. When the Eugenics Record Office was joined administratively with these sections of the Institution, the office began to lose its budgetary and managerial unity and responsibility and due to such union which became more of a fusion as time passed, to suffer continued handicap in effectiveness as a research institution and in its business affairs. As an example of the latter, it is now exceedingly difficult for certain periods to compute in a business-like budgetary fashion the exact amounts of money expended by the Eugenics Record Office (see p. 5).

Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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