ID# 799:
Sermon #43: "Religion and Eugenics"
Circa 1926
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10)
American Philosophical Society, AES, 57506: Am3

799. [page number] IX [end page number] We must teach young people that they ought to desire marriage more than gayety. We must teach married couples that expensive dressing and automobiles ought not to take the place of children. I heard of an editor who said, "My wife and I gave up our desire for an automobile and thought we would invest that money in another baby." Already he has seven children and a very happy home. I have the honor of having an aunt who used to teach school, but who gave up her school to marry an intelligent business man and later gave birth to sixteen children. Six of her daughters became accomplished musicians and entertained thousands with wholesome music, while three of her sons became prominent merchants and three more sons entered the Gospel ministry. Just the other day, at the commencement exercise of our college, I saw that aged woman elbow her way up the aisle at the close of the exercises to smile upon one of her sons, just coming off the platform after having received the degree of Doctor of Divinity. My aunt has a little money, but because of her children she is one of the richest women in the world. We need to teach that ideal of richness. "Her children rise up to call her blessed." And shall we not take a long stride forward in teaching our young people more common sense in mating, largely to avoid cousin marriages, and unions with the criminals and weak-minded to be frowned on altogether? I believe we should do a third thing, namely pass some laws, even if we know that laws do not change the hearts of men. If we cannot pass laws to render the idiots and criminals sterile, we can compel such to stay apart from society and segregate them so that they will have no children. Since marriage is God's institution and sacred, we have a right to revive the old-fashioned banns whereby every marriage must be announced several weeks beforehand, so that people shall enter marriage solemnly.
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